New Additions
I did say I wouldn’t buy any more houseplants for a while. You know what that means don’t you! Yep, whilst at the garden centre for brunch they had a whole selection of tiny little houseplants just come in. I couldn’t resist! They are only tiny, but I ended up with
- A cute little Monstera Adansonii
- A tiny little parlour palm
- A nicely variegated Pothos
- A String of Hearts
- Another nicely coloured Tradescantia – Anna likes the colourful ones!
- A pretty little Pilea peperomioides
It’ll be a while until they are any significant size but they actually look quite nice as ‘dwarf’ plants at the moment. All have been repotted into fresh compost – different mixes for different plants of course and all are looking good. I just need a few more little ceramic pots.
I also spotted a lovely looking Alocasia whilst in M&S on Monday. This was something that was on my future wish list, but with it sat there in front of me and at only £6 it too came home with me! They had a nice Monstera deliciosa in a ceramic pot for £10 as well, but I did resist that (twice).
The other plants are doing well too. You can see one of the Calathea’s in the photo above, but the other looks healthy as well. The spider plants are taking over the conservatory with their long runners, the flowers on them are quite nice.
All these new plants have brought with them a few annoying fungus gnats, but I’ll get on top of those soon! I don’t really need any more plants now, but I’m sure a few more will squeeze their way in somehow!
Oh dear oh dear! You and Trudi are certainly from the same mold, well except your love of excercise and her love of shopping.