A Passing Front
We had a classic Frontal System pass over us earlier today (around 11am). After the hot temperatures and calm conditions it was suddenly all change.

The temperature (seen as the green line in the chart above) suddenly dropped like a stone. It fell by over 10ºC in the space of half an hour. The Windspeed increased. It got windy enough that I was contemplating going windsurfing as it was hitting 30 knots. I didn’t though as I didn’t expect it to last long and by the time I’d rigged up it would no doubt have dropped. The humidity and pressure rose. As expected it was just a passing front. As fast as the wind had picked up it dropped off again. Temperature and humidity levelled off.
No doubt we’ll be in for some rain soon.
All recorded and all data is available on the Borth and Ynyslas Weather Station on this site.
We had a little rain and much better temperatures now