Kombucha Brewing
I was bought a couple of brewing kits for Christmas. One for Kombucha and one for Ginger Beer.
Kombucha Brewing
I got started with the Kombucha kit first and soon had a nice batch of freshly fermented and carbonated Kombucha ready for drinking. Mmm Mmm!
The second batch is well under way already and the Scoby (Symbiotic Cultire of Bacteria and Yeast) is looking good. The second batch developed a new Scoby on the surface within a few days. It’s a weird looking thing but seem to be doing exactly what it should.
The original mother Scoby had been sat at the bottom of the fermenting bottle. This is where is sat throughout the first batch and for the start of the second batch. Then, one night it decided to float to the top and join the newly formed baby Scoby. All is looking good.
I think I’ll make one more batch using this Scoby before I divide it and start a Scoby Hotel! I may need a few more bottles but don’t worry, I’m not going to get too carried away with it as there is only so much Kombucha that I can drink!
I’ve started the Ginger Beer now as well, but so far it hasn’t started doing much.