A New Pergola
When I got carried away in the garden earlier in the month I removed an old pergola that I’d built. Being creatures of habit, rather than go with something else in its place, we decided to replace it with another quite similar structure.
The pieces arrived on Monday so as soon as there was a sunny(ish) afternoon I forced Morgan out into the real world to help me construct it. Before long we had a new pergola in its place.

It looks pretty good, and should look even better once things are growing up the trellis’s on the sides.
Elsewhere in the garden there has been some more woodwork destruction going on as well. The deck out the front has been removed.

The actual deck boards and the fence around it weren’t in too bad condition but the frame below it had rotted away completely. You can just about make out what was left of it in the photo above! We’re not sure what to replace it with yet. We were going to put a patio down but we are leaning towards a gravelled seating area now as that will be easier and cheaper to install.
Saying that, nothing is ever ‘easy’ or ‘cheap’ these days. Just digging the area out and disposing of the surplus hardcore will be the first hurdle. I think we’ve got some membrane to put down but I’ll still need to put in some edging, build a fence around it, buy and lay the gravel and then the fence along the front of the garden will need replacing as well… The jobs are never-ending!