Boreaton Park Scout Camp – Day 2
And we’re off – After Day 1 of our 2016 Scout Camp to PGL Boreaton Park, Day 2 started as usual with a huge breakfast and the usual trauma of making sure everyone had everything they needed for the days activities.
As the first of these activities was canoeing everyone had to be organised with clothes to wear in the canoe and dry clothes to put on afterwards. For some reason this concept is just too much for Scouts and it takes forever to get everyone ready to go!
We then headed off to the river that runs through the bottom of Boreaton Park where we had some canoe instruction and then jumped into our canoe for a spot of river paddling. Everyone soon had the hang of it so we played some games and had a relaxing morning on the river as a whole group. It was then back to the canteen for lunch, a visit to the shop and then back into our Groups for the afternoon’s activities.
- Team Canoe
- Canoe Instruction
High Ropes
The first activity of the afternoon for my group was High Ropes. It’s only a short course balancing on wires around a few poles, but it’s high enough to make it a challenge and for some it was just too high. Most people went around at least once, but a couple of the Scouts, including Morgan decided it was too much. A few of them therefore had several goes around and were soon getting the hang of it whilst we watched from below. I did of course go around once, but then left the others to it.
Jacobs Ladder
More heights for the final activity of the Scout Camp and this time it was Jacob’s Ladder. This is just a series of logs suspended in the air. The first couple are just off the ground and only a foot or so apart, from there on they not only get higher, but also get further apart and the number of ropes and handholds available to you reduces in number too.
It is supposed to be a teamwork exercise as well as towards the top you need the help of your team members to get you to the next level. With only 6 in the group though we could only do it in pairs as the activity also gives the Scouts an opportunity to do some belaying. We therefore needed 2 people on the ladder, 2 belaying and 2 as back-up belayers. A couple of us (me included) did make it to the very top though. Harvey probably had a little bit of help, not from his team-mate on the ladder but due to the fact that I was belaying for him and was therefore able to pretty much hoist him up the last couple of feet. Morgan made it to the fourth log with me but then the height got too much for him so I had to continue on my own. For some reason, the height here wasn’t as intimidating as on the high ropes, probably because once on a log you feel fairly secure.
I’m a Goldfish
By the time we’d finished it was dinner time so most people had a nice Sunday lunch. I went for the chicken Chow Mein though complete of course with a soup to start, loads of salad and a pudding. There was then just enough time to say our goodbyes, give out a few certificates and jump in the bus ready for the drive home. As soon as we got going a few of the Scouts started on their annoying
“Hi, I’m Bob, I’m a Goldfish and a Goldfish has a memory span of…
Hi, I’m Bob, I’m a Goldfish and a Goldfish has a memory span of…
Hi, I’m Bob, I’m a Goldfish and a Goldfish has a memory span of…”
song. I decided to challenge them to see how long they could keep it up for. I had to help them out now and then from the drivers seat, but we successfully managed to ‘sing’ it all the way home. I think it probably got on a few peoples nerves but it was quite funny, even after almost 2 hours it!!
Wowlooks amazing… A little scarey for me though
It’s nice to hear it from a leader’s point of view, after hearing Nicky’s highlights of the weekend. Many thanks.
Excellent, I wonder what Nicky’s highlights were?? – He wasn’t in my group so I didn’t see much of him and hence have very few photos of him as well I’m afraid. Cira might have some though.