Garden Lighting
The garden is beginning to look nice ready for summer. I neglected it a little last year as there just wasn’t enough time to fit it in with all my training and everything else, but I’m determined to get it looking good again this year. This is especially true as it’s our 10th wedding anniversary later in the year and we’re having a garden party to celebrate. It would be a shame to have it in a garden full of weeds.
Most things are looking good, although the lawn certainly needs some attention. Many of the early Spring flowers have finished now, but the bluebells are still going strong and tulips are popping up everywhere. The poached egg plants are flowering and are always a favourite with our honey bees, whilst the bumblebees are feasting on the aquilegias and ajuga.
- Bee on Poached Egg Plant
- Poached Egg Plants
- Aquilegias
The hostas look great bursting out of the ground with vigour and the Gunnera foliage is increasing in size everyday. The new mile-a-minute I put on the pergola is growing well too. Hopefully it’ll soon be covering the entire structure as we’ve so far been unable to get anything to grow over it. The chives and alliums are about to flower as well which should please the bees.
- Hostas
- Hostas
- Chives
I also decided to splash out on some lights for the garden as we’ll need some for the party. I may have gone a little over the top though. I bought 4 post lamps, 6 spots lights, a transformer, cables, cables dividers and even a light sensor and timer to control them.
The lights themselves are little LED units and therefore only 2 Watts each, but after spending Sunday afternoon installing some of them, they are quite a bit brighter than we were expecting. Not a bad thing I guess as they’ll dim as they age and the lenses get overhead in grime.
We haven’t installed them all yet as we’ll need some more cabling, but we have half of them in and it does add some interest to the garden at night. I’ll try to take some night-time photos of the lights once they are all installed and the wind dies down a little allowing us sit out there and enjoy them. I guess we’ll have to find more excuses to go out into the garden, or at least the conservatory at night.