Spices of the World
I had an unusual birthday present from Pat this year, a 3 month subscription to thespicery.com. It consists of a box similar in style to the graze boxes that I receive containing a selection of spices from around the World along with some recipe ideas. They actually do a number of different packages such as ‘Friday Night Curry’ boxes and the ‘World Kitchen’ box that I’ve got. The world kitchen box looks a little more varied and contains dessert recipes too.
My first box had recipes for ‘Hungarian Chicken Paprikás’ and ‘Caraway Seed Cake with Poppy Seed and Lemon Icing’, both of which look delicious and will have to be tried soon. The box obviously contains all of the herbs and spices needed for these recipes. The spices for the Hungarian Sweet Paprikás includes a large sachet of Hungarian Sweet Paprika and a sachet containing a blend of Hungarian hot paprika, bay leaf, toasted cracked caraway seeds and sweet paprika. There is also a sachet of potato herbs to go with it which is a blend of dill, chives and parsley. For the cake there are caraway and poppy seeds along with a sachet of spices blended from ground mace and vanilla powders.
There was also a free sample of Christmas biscuits spices blended from ginger, cassia, mace, nutmeg, cloves, all spice and long pepper and a little leaflet with a few Christmas ideas too. I can’t wait to try them out, I just need to find the time to do it once we have an evening in and can enjoy the meal they create.