Olympic Torch Relay

We managed to miss out on all of the Olympic Torch Relay festivities in Aberystwyth over the weekend as we were away in Northampton for me to compete in the Big Cow Triathlon, but fortunately it was passing close to us on Monday morning.

The roads to school were going o be disrupted so the headmaster sent home a letter saying that if we wanted to take our children to see the Olympic Flame on Monday morning we could and it wouldn’t matter if they didn’t get to school until 10am. So that is exactly what we did. The flame was due to pass through Bow Street at 9:15am so we joined hundreds of other people and lined the streets.

It was a gloriously sunny and warm morning and there was a little bit of a carnival atmosphere in the usually sleepy village of Bow Street. we took our places and waited for the flame to come.

The Flame is Coming

The Flame is Coming

There were a whole load of police cars, official cars and motorbikes and then a few Olympic torch relay buses, including a Coca-Cola bus that gave us a free bottle of coke each. Then there were a few cars that had somehow got mixed up in the  parade complete with grumpy looking drivers who really didn’t want to be stuck in the middle of all this!

This was then followed by the torch bearer and his out-runners and a few more cars and police.

The Olympic Torch Bearer

The Olympic Torch Bearer

The Olympic Flame

The Olympic Flame

It was nice to be able to go and see it as it really is a once in a lifetime opportunity as the Olympics doesn’t come to town very often. It was good to be a part of it as that is pretty much going to be our only ‘London 2012’ experience, other than watching the games on TV so I’m glad we went. The whole ‘feel good’ atmosphere was a pleasure too and I guess it lifts the spirits of the country to some extent.

It was then off to school for Morgan and the end of what had been a brilliant weekend.

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Alan Cole

Alan is a Freelance Website Designer, Sports & Exercise Science Lab Technician and full time Dad & husband with far too many hobbies: Triathlete, Swimming, Cycling, Running, MTBing, Surfing, Windsurfing, SUPing, Gardening, Photography.... The list goes on.

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