A Jubilee Quest
As Scout & Explorer leaders for Borth 2nd Scouts Anna and I seem to be busy organising things for them to do all the time. The latest is a treasure hunt that we’re calling the ‘Jubilee Quest’ that will have to keep over one hundred of the local Cubs, Scouts and Explorers occuped for an hour or so on an upcoming Area Jubilee Camp.
Now, as I’m sure you can imagine organising a treasure hunt exercise is a little difficult without seeing the field we’ll be camping in so on Saturday morning we popped down the coast a bit to check it out and see what we could come up with. We now have a few ideas and will have to start working on some of the physical puzzles they will have to solve. We don’t have much time between now and the camp though so we’d better get a move on.
The visit down the coast gave me a chance to take a few photos albeit only with my little compact camera and we popped into the Honey Farm for lunch while we were nearby.