Our own little patch
I’ve almost finished the new fence I erected at the weekend.
It’s always difficult to envisage how these things will feel once they are done, but it’s actually really nice. We knew what it would look like, but the feeling it creates is more difficult to predict. We were a little worried that it would make the garden feel smaller and a little hemmed in and that we’d miss the nice open feel that we had got used to by ‘sharing’ gardens with our neighbours. We didn’t really share but without a proper boundary we couldn’t help but share the view into each others garden if nothing else.
The new fence does actually make it feel nice though. It isn’t too imposing but it does create a bit more seclusion and delineates our own little patch of land. The extra height in the garden probably even create an extra dimension in its own right as well.
Our side of the fence is south facing so hopefully it will provide a nice backdrop for some new plants that like the sun and of course provide some additional shelter from the incessant wind.
I did of course get time to sit and enjoy the garden after all my hard work. The little area around the water feature is looking nice at the moment and has become a bit of a bog garden. The fresh green leaves of the Iris not only hide the compost bins but also highlight the bright yellow of the Marsh Marigold which in turn frames the water feature nicely. It won’t be long before the Yellow Flag Iris are up as well.
Al that looks really pretty. Just the right time of year to be able to sit and enjoy the fruits of your labour..
From Dave via Facebook:
Glad you like it. I guess I do spend quite a bit of time looking after the garden really. It’s taken a while to get it looking nice and overcome the difficulties of having no soil, contending with the wind and the salt air and then the extreme cold of last years winter. We’ve also had the garden dug up a number of times by diggers of various sorts for various reasons which hasn’t helped, but I finally feel as though we are getting somewhere with it.
Of course, now, with the arrival of our bee colonies imminent, the priority has shifted from plants that we like towards plants that the bees will like so I’ll be planting plenty of bee-friendly plants this year.
I’d like to add a bit more height here and there as well, but doing so with the winds we get is going to be difficult. I’d really like to add a tree or two (ones that have bee-friendly blossom of course), but just don’t know how well they’ll cope with the wind.
It is looking good. Pity it’s on top of the septic tank! It’s fine most of the time, just a bit off putting when you are sat there listening to the trickle of water from the water feature only to realise someone has flushed the toilet and you are listening to the trickle of water into the septic tank instead!