RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch Results 2011
We’ve just done our RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch. We started around 9am on a cold frosty morning and saw quite a few birds but nothing too exciting.
Here are the results, with last years number in brackets.
Blackbird: 3 (3)
Blue Tit: 1 (2)
Carrion Crow: 3 (2)
Chaffinch: 9 (7)
Collared Dove: 1 (2)
Dunnock: 1 (1)
House Sparrow: 2 (10)
Jackdaw: 1 (0)
Magpie: 2 (2)
Robin: 1 (1)
Song Thrush: 1 (0)
Starling: c. 100 (18)
Fairly similar to last year then except for the huge flock of starlings and no where near as many House Sparrows. We did also see around 80 Black-Headed Gulls and a big flock of Lapwing flew overhead.
Hope you can help ! Took part in the Birdwatch, I have many chaffinches & goldfinches in the woods & farmland
around my cottage but despite my well stocked bird table they will
not come into my garden. I have tried niger seeds etc. put out
mealworms. I have many regulars, lovely birds ! but I would like
to see a bigger variety of birds. I see that you have some of the
birds that I would like to see on my bird table, Any tips ?
Hi Diane,
If the woods and farmland around you has plenty of food for them then they’ll probably stay there rather than come into your garden. Although, I’m sure with some patience they’ll come. It takes a while so don’t give up.