Dinner at the Pier Brasserie
We’re definitely getting older!
I didn’t think it was that long ago that I used to go out quite a bit in Abersystwyth, but clearly it’s longer than I thought! We did go out on Saturday night but all the pubs seem to have changed their names and we were back home and in bed by around 11pm, just as things were beginning to get going in town!
It was a friends 30th birthday and we were invited out for dinner at the Pier Brasserie – at least that hasn’t changed. The dinner was lovely, the views out across the Prom and onto Consti were as nice as ever and the company was good too. Anna got to wear a dress, something she isn’t comfortable with really but I think she settled into it by the end of the evening and she certainly looked gorgeous from where I was sitting.
It was a good group of people, we knew about half of them and the others were new to us which was just about right, not too intimidating, but plenty of new people to get to know as well, and they all seemed really nice. Emma, the birthday girl, appeared to have a lovely time so it was a perfect evening out.
At 10:30pm the Pier Brasserie turns into more of a ‘disco’, the lights dim, the under 18’s are kicked out, the tables disappear, the flashing lights come on and they start charging people to enter. We moved from the tables to some more relaxed seating but then Louis got on the turntables – if they still have turntables these days, it could all be MP3’s – and many of our group started sounding old by complaining about the loud music. We sat there for a bit trying to chat but soon decided to head home.
Morgan had been next door with Dave and Sarah baby-sitting. They seem to have been looking after him quite a bit lately but it is certainly appreciated as it makes a refreshing change for Anna and I to be able to go out together now and then. However, despite the fact that it was 11pm he was still wide awake and chirpy. He soon settled down once we got home though.