Last Nights Moths
It was a busy night for the moth trap last night. The temperature still dropped to 8ºC though which was lower than I was expecting so it wasn’t a record night as far as number were concerned. There were a few new species for the garden list though and the Dark Arches are on the increase.
- 4x Buff Ermine
- 14x Lackey
- 2x Buff Tip
- 10x Flame
- 1x Silver-ground Carpet
- 2x Wormwood Pug
- 2x Shaded Pug
- 2x Garden Tiger
- 1x Small Elephant Hawkmoth
- 1x Shoulder-striped Wainscot
- 17x Heart and Dart
- 1x Shears
- 1x Knot Grass
- 3x Grey Pug
- 2x White Ermine
- 6x Oiligia sp.
- 4x Heart and Club
- 2x Archers Dart
- 1x Riband Wave
- 1x Small Seraphim
- 1x Small Magpie
- 16x Dark Arches
- 2x Bright-line Brown-Eye
- 1x Pale-shouldered Brocade
- 1x Dusky Brocade
- 6x Flame Shoulder
- 2x Middle-barred Minor
- 3x Clouded-bordered Brindle
- 1x Setaceous Hebrew Character
- 1x Large Yellow Underwing
- 2x Elephant Hawkmoth
- 2x Broom
- 2x Gold Spot
- 1x Green Carpet
- 1x Common Wainscot*
- 1x Grey/Dark Dagger agg.*
- 1x Common Carpet
- 1x White Colon*
- 1x Double-striped Pug
- 1x Beautiful Brocade* (Still awaiting ID confirmation on this one)
The White Colon is a fairly uncommon moth, mainly occurring in coastal dune systems and is considered ‘Nationally Scarce B’ according to the national status designated by the Joint Nature Conservation Committee. This means that it isn’t endangered, vulnerable or rare but is none-the-less uncommon in Great Britain and are thought to occur in between 31 and 100 10 km squares of the National Grid. It isn’t unexpected to find it here though as we do live within a dune system.
- Common Carpet
- Grey Dagger
- Poplar Grey
- White Colon
- Smoky Wainscot
- Common Wainscot
- Beautiful Brocade – I think