Seize the moment – Get out there and do it!
You know what it’s like sometimes with sports. You should really get out there and do it but for one reason or another you just can’t be bothered. More often than not if you just get out there and do it, you not only enjoy yourself but you feel much better for it too.
Today was just such a day. I was up early to do some work and then had a busy morning at a class followed by the tying up a few loose ends and more work. The wind was blowing, the sun was shining and I should really go for a windsurf. I didn’t have much time though as I was due to make the school run at 3pm. So, in some ways a cup of tea and yet more work was fairly inviting.
I didn’t let that get to me though, With only 2 hours to spare it was going to be a short session by the time I had got into my wetsuit, got my kit ready, walked to the beach, rigged up and got on the water. I then had to leave time to do all of that in reverse and still get to school in time to collect Morgan. It was worth it though as I had a nice hour of power windsurfing in decent conditions here at Ynyslas. Yes, there could have been a little more wind, and yes, it did pick up nicely once I got off the water but the hour I had was good enough. It certainly beat working and I feel so much better for it now.
My busy day continues though, off to get Morgan now and then time to motivate myself to go back out for a swim session this evening. At least I know I’ll feel better after having done it.
I can’t find a suitable ‘motivational’ photo, so here’s on of the beach at Borth. That should be motivation enough to just ‘get out there and do it’.