Snowdonia Enduro Photos
My Snowdonia Enduro Photos are now out ready for all to see.
Here are a few as a taster, but the link above takes you to the whole album. They are ordered and titled by rider number so you should be able to find yourself fairly easily. Hope you all had a good time, it looked like a good event, and I only wish I could have been riding rather than taking photographs, but I was under doctors orders!
Feel free to use the images on your personal blogs or for non-commercial purposes, but please keep the copyright watermark in place. You can buy a full size, non-watermarked image from the Snowdonia Enduro Photo Album.
Also, let me know what you thought of the event and the photo by posting a comment here.
Great photos!
Really good photos , what happened to number 7 ?! I was looking forward to seeing a picture of myself at my first race!
Sorry Duncan, I did try to get everyone and managed to get shots of 99 riders out of a total of 104 so didn’t do too badly. Unfortunately you must just have been one of the unlucky ones. Sorry, but it was nothing personal I can assure you!
I’ll try harder next time.
Great Pics 🙂
I took loads of pics which I am sorting through at the moment (I take far too many!!! lol)
I’ll have a look to see if I have no 7! Unfortunatley I can’t promise I’ll have one either but fingers crossed!!!
I’ll be posting them in a few days 🙂
Duncan…. There is one with you in it:
OK, it isn’t a great shot of you, but you are there! Second in line on the right… Lookin’ Good!
Helen ,
I was the one (trying) to wheelie for the camera ! Look forward to seeing your pictures 🙂
Hi Duncan,
I realised you were no 7 as I was looking through my pics and saw your number, I defo have pics of you then 🙂 I’m not sure they will be as nicely ordered as Alans, I’ll see how much patience I am left with after working my way through the pics… 🙂