Perfect Growing Weather
The weather has been a little mad lately. Yesterday we had monsoon conditions in the morning with around 12mm of rain in an hour or so, but by the afternoon it was glorious sunshine and I even fell asleep in the hammock out in the garden! Perfect weather for the garden to grow though, although there was a bit of wind as usual which does its best to ruin any plants around here! When I say a bit of wind, it was gusting to just over 40 knots which is in fact quite a lot of wind!
Normally I’d be out on the water windsurfing but I’m still recovering from my recent chest infection etc. so I had to stay at home. I did manage to wander around the garden in the sunshine for a bit though and things do indeed seem to be growing well.
- Poppy
- Bee on Borage
- Poppy
Somehow we have tomato plants all over the garden. I think they must have grown from seeds in the compost bin but they seem to be doing OK and some of them are even ripening. They are making parts of the garden look a little messy but I’m still trying to get things established so any growth is good as it provides shelter for other things. Talking of which, the Goji Berry bushes that we put in earlier in the year seem to be doing really well. They seem to cope well with the wind, we’ll just have to see how they fare with the winter.
I now have some plans for a nice big flower bed at the far end of the garden and some little seating areas.. Time to get to the garden centre and spend some money! Either that or make some seats out of flotsam and jetsam from the beach!