Happy Birthday Morgan
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday dear Morgan
Happy Birthday to you
It’s Morgan’s birthday today and we’ve all had a lovely weekend celebrating. He had a party with all his friends on Saturday, complete with bouncy castle and ‘Sportacus’ cake then on Sunday we let him open his presents a day early so that he had a chance to play with them and took him out to try out his new bike. Ninny and Grandad came to stay as well so he had plenty of people to boss around and play with.
I feel a bit mean today as he’s at Nursery celebrating with everyone there rather then at home with me. He’s also a bit sad that Ninny and Grandad have to go home but we took another cake in to nursery to share there and we are off to visit Granny at the weekend. Morgan’s first trip on a plane! He’s not happy about leaving Daddy behind but very exciting about seeing Granny.
I’m sure Al will add some photos from the weekend later.