Tagged: Google

Google+ 0


Is Facebook Evil? Is Twitter irrelevant? Answer yes to these and maybe Google+ is for you. The social network to rule them all.. Maybe, maybe not but if you want to keep with the cool kids then you have to give it a go. I am, but I’ve yet to make any judgement. I tried Google...

London 2006 1

Google Earth 6

I’ve just been paying with some of the new features of Google Earth 6 – Well, it is a Friday afternoon. The latest incarnation of the Google Earth application has a few interesting features that I hadn’t seen before, although I’m sure some of them were available in earlier versions. First up there’s 3D trees! Google...


Google Power Meter in the UK

You may remember, about 18 months ago, we got an energy monitor and not long after I posted a comment about a new scheme from Google that provided a similar service over the internet. At the time, Google PowerMeter was only available in the US, but it now looks as though it is coming to...