Category: Website Design


Customer Satisfaction = Free Headphones!

Working as a freelance web designer here in deepest darkest Wales can be a fairly isolated job at times. Many of my clients keep in contact with me via email and I rarely even speak to some of them let alone meet them in person. They simply send me an email telling me what they...

Work Schmurk 0

Work Schmurk

I shouldn’t complain (and I’m not), as it is good as a freelancer to have lots of work on, but it does get in the way of life a bit!!… Busy, busy busy, no time to play!

A wet Monday Afternoon in Wales 0

A wet Monday Afternoon in Wales

I’m quite busy work-wise at the moment and for some reason couldn’t sleep last night so I got up and started work at 3am. I stopped at 7am and then worked again from 8am until midday, which by my reckoning makes a full 8 hour day… I therefore decided to treat myself to an afternoon...


The Joys of Freelance Website Design

Regular readers of this blog will know that one of the key factors that allow me to live a ‘Simple Life of Luxury‘ is the fact that I chose to turn my back on my geology training and become a freelance website designer. I guess there was never a conscious decision to become a website...


Getting ready for Hols

Off to Egypt next week and I’m getting quite excited. I’m not exactly a seasoned traveller, but who would have though there was so much to do as far as organising a week off was concerned. Flights, accomodation, taxi transfers in Egypt, trains to the airport here, sunscreen, shorts, passports, travel insurance, various other bits...

Mac Accounting Software 2

Mac Accounting Software

Tax return time looms, so I thought it was time to re-assess the way I keep track of my business finances. So, I have recently spent some time on the not very exciting task of finding some decent accounting software to help me keep track of my business income and expenditure. I just couldn’t find...


Mowing myself healthy

I’m sure the my life as a freelance web-designer isn’t the best for my health. I’m getting RSI from long hours using a mouse and keyboard, I’m sure sitting in the same office chair all day isn’t good for my back and no doubt my eyesight isn’t getting any better staring at these computer monitors...


New Computer

I still haven’t sorted out my broken laptop but will be sending it off for an independent fault report soon. I’m still under the impression that a £2000 laptop should last more than 20 months and that my statutory rights under the Sale of Good Act covers me for such eventualities over an above any...

Eliminating Stress 0

Eliminating Stress

One of the objectives of deciding to live here in West Wales, away rom the rat-race, was to eliminate as much stress as possible and live a relatively simple life without too many worries. Has it worked?? Well, most of the time I would say it has, but nothing is ever quite that straight-forward. We...

Freelancers Cookbook 0

Freelancers Cookbook

One of the ingredients that allows me to live what I consider the ideal lifestyle here in West Wales is the fact that I have set myself up as a self-employed freelance website designer. In theory this should provide me with complete control over my work / life time balance. I have a fair bit...