Category: Beekeeping

Bees Coming and Going 0

Living with Bees

The bees that we have on loan seem to be happy. I’ve taken a look at the hive and there always seems to be a bit of activity around it and there are certainly more bees in the garden. The field behind us is full of clover at the moment too so hopefully they are...


Plan Bee Going Well

‘Plan Bee’ is going well. On Sunday evening under the cover of darkness an estate car pulled up at the house containing two people, two beagles a cat in a box and a mysterious cargo in the boot. With hushed voices so as not to wake the neighbours and donning head-torches we unloaded some carpet,...

Aberystwyth Bee-Keepers Meeting 0

Aberystwyth Bee-Keepers Meeting

Another busy weekend for us. We like it that way but now and then it would be nice to have a quiet one as well. Yesterday we had visitors coming for lunch, so after taking Morgan swimming for an hour or so we busied ourselves getting ready for that. Marion and Les turned up around...

Beehive Plans 1

Beehive Plans

Our plans for keeping bees are progressing well. Regular readers of this blog will know that we’ve been attending meetings of the Aberystwyth Beekeepers Association. Despite our concerns that the windy, slightly barren nature of the local surroundings may not be ideal for bees, we’ve been encouraged by members of the association and are going...

Bees in the Garden 3

Bees in the Garden

We may be getting some bees sooner than expected. Our plans were to get all the equipment ready over the winter and start beekeeping in Spring 2011, but I had an e-mail from someone in the Aberystwyth Beekeeping Association the other day saying: “Alan I am interested in taking one hive to the heather to...

The Birds and the Bees – And Moths too 0

The Birds and the Bees – And Moths too

Looks as though we’re going to be having another naturalists weekend this weekend. First there’s a meeting of the Ceredigion Moth Group so I have to set my moth trap up on Friday night and then go back to it for an early morning meeting with the other members and go through the contents of...

Grants for Beehives 3

Grants for Beehives

As I mentioned in an earlier post on the plight of the bees, the loss of bees could be a blow to UK economy, that would cost up to £440m per year. I also eluded to the fact that myabe the government should provide grants to help people get started in Beekeeping. Well, a few...

A Very Serious Beekeeper! 2

Beekeeping in the Sunshine with the Aberystwyth Beekeeping Association

I haven’t given up on the idea of bee-keeping yet. In fact I’ve been reading more, listening to podcasts and keeping in touch with the Aberystwyth Bee Keeping Association (ABKA). We have decided that the best plan of attack as far as bee-keeping in the back garden is concerned is to learn as much as...


Plight of the Bees

Scientists have warned that the loss of bees could be a blow to UK economy, that would cost up to £440m per year. If that’s the case, then why can’t the government offer grants to people like me who want to set up a beehive (or two) in the garden. The £500 or so that...

Taking up Beekeeping with the Co-op 1

Taking up Beekeeping with the Co-op

It looks as though everyone is jumping on the beekeeping bandwagon at the moment. A good thing for bees, a good thing for the environment and a good thing for beekeepers too. Even the Coop are trying to encourage people to get into beekeeping. Their ‘Plan Bee‘ has been offering training courses and has even...