Sport Relief Mile, Aberystwyth
We’re getting our Scout Troop to run the Sport Relief Mile in Aberystwyth on Sunday. We thought we’d choose the mile rather than any of the longer challenges so that it would be accessible to all of the Scouts and hopefully some of the younger Cubs and Beavers too. So far though it is mainly Scouts and their parents doing it, along with Morgan (who is a cub and his friend James also a cub!)
Hopefully the mile itself won’t be too much of a challenge for any of them, but organising them all, making them all look good in their Scout uniforms and keeping them all under control on the day may be a bit of a challenge for Anna and I.
It’s all to raise money for Sport Relief of course and so far the fund-raising isn’t going too badly. We’re aiming for £100 in total and we’re up to £78 already, so we might just make our target by the weekend. Of course, if we do then I’ll increase it a little to encourage more donations. Please click here to take a look at our fund-raising page for the Aberystwyth Sport Relief Mile, and if you can then sponsor us to make it all worthwhile.
Thanks a million to those who already have.