Plant Sale

The plant stall that the Scouts had at the Borth Charities Fete went well at the weekend.

After clearing out the greenhouse and sowing lots of seeds we had been diligently watering and tending to the plants ready for the fete. It was all a bit rushed as we only had about a month between sowing the seeds and the fete, but we managed it. On Saturday morning we filled the car to the brim with all sorts of plants and seedlings. Beans, peas, Tomatoes, Geraniums, Courgette, Cucumbers, Sunflowers, Chilli’s, Peppers and a few others. We took these down to the hall in Borth where other people had brought along plants too.

By the time we had all of the plants in the hall it looked as though we may have overdone it. The other stalls were set up with the Scouts manning the kitchen where bacon sandwiches, toasties and scones with jam and cream were being sold, along with teas and coffees.

We hadn’t planned to stay at the fete, we were just going to drop off the plants and leave the Scouts to sell them, but the smell of bacon sandwiches encouraged me to stay for a while, then Morgan wanted to stay and play for a bit so we ended up staying for the whole thing and helping to clear up afterwards!

The Scouts also had a book stall, a tombola, were running a raffle and a dalek competition and selling a few other bits and bobs too. The RNLI was there selling RNLI branded souvenirs, they also had a cake stall and were selling some plants. The Rowing Club was there with various competitions. Other stalls were being run by the Royal British Legion, the local schools and other community charity groups.

The Scouts plant stall was taking over a little though with so many plants to sell. We did start to wonder what would happen to them all, but once people started coming in the started selling well. It surprised me that people seemed to shun the more interesting shrubs and perennials. All they wanted were the vegetable plants and before long we’d managed to sell half of them and by the end of the day we only had a handful left. Pretty good going really and the plant stall itself made over £100 in profit for the Scouts.

So, once again, thanks to all of those who donated plants, thanks to Dave and Sarah for letting the Scout use their greenhouse and thanks to Newmans Garden centre for donating seeds, pots and compost. Not only did it raise some much needed money for the Borth 2nd Scouts but it got them doing a little bit of gardening too.

For us, the rest of the day was spent in the garden with me planting out a few plants that we had bought and a few that were leftover whilst Anna and Sarah soaked up the sun and Dave and Morgan played cards. I’m not sure how well some of the plants I’ve planted out will do, and finding space for some of them wasn’t easy, but it’s always good to have a few new plants – there’s always room for just one more!

1 Response

  1. Avatar forComment Author mum says:

    Oh how I wish you lived nearer

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Alan Cole

Alan is a Freelance Website Designer, Sports & Exercise Science Lab Technician and full time Dad & husband with far too many hobbies: Triathlete, Swimming, Cycling, Running, MTBing, Surfing, Windsurfing, SUPing, Gardening, Photography.... The list goes on.