Isle of Man End2End 2012 Photos
Whilst I was out riding the Isle of Man End2End on Sunday, Anna and Morgan were out there driving from one end of the island to the other trying to spot me as I rode past. The were also manning the camera and got a whole load of shots of riders as they flew past them. Morgan was in charge of the camera for much of the time so there were quite a few random shots and lots of shaky ones as the big SLR camera is a little too much for him to handle. I’ve now weeded out the worst of them and have uploaded those remaining to an Isle of Man End2End 2012 photo album.
I haven’t ordered them by number as I usually do because things have been a little hectic here, but you should be able to browse through them and find photos of yourselves. Enjoy.
Here are a few random tasters.
Click here for the full Isle of Man End2End 2012 Photo Album