Mothers Day in Bristol
We had a last minute trip to Bristol this weekend. We couldn’t drive down Friday evening as we had organised a geocaching event for the Scouts and Explorers and didn’t finish that until 10pm, so we made an early start and set off just after 6am on Saturday morning. We made good time on the quiet roads though and were at my parents house before 9am, despite having to make a ‘sick stop’ for Morgan. I dropped Anna and Morgan off there, had a quick cup of coffee and then headed across Bristol to meet Jay, Brad and Mike for a ride and a run around the Bristol Triathlon Course.
After that I headed off to Easy Runner on St Michaels Hill to try on some new running shoes. They didn’t have the ones I wanted in stock and the others didn’t quite feel right, so I came home empty handed. Saturday afternoon and evening was spent with the family and meeting Ayaka, a Japanese exchange student who was staying with Trudi, Kia and Shaun. She didn’t speak a huge amount of English, although obviously more than we spoke Japanese, so I’m sure spending time with all of us was pretty difficult for her. She seemed really nice and managed fairly well though. It’s bad enough being around all of the ‘Coles’ at the best of time, but if you don’t speak English it must be a nightmare!
Sunday was Mother’s Day so after a nice pancake breakfast and some lazing about we all met up at Cribbs for a fun afternoon of Ten Pin Bowling followed by far too much food in Preview. I’ve never been to America, but that little slice of Bristol is very much like the stereotypical view that we have of it. Ten Pin Bowling is very American, and Preview must be too. It’s an ‘eat as much as you possibly can’ buffet style restaurant that is full of very fat people wearing inappropriate sports clothing doing just that!
And that was that. It was a bit of a whistle-stop visit as we then drove back home guided by Jupiter and Venus shining brightly in the night sky. It was nice to see everyone though and a good way to spend Mothers Day weekend.