Half Term Activities – Geocaching
It looks as though today is going to be the nicest day of the Half Term week as far as the weather goes and Morgan was at home with me. So, after doing some gardening we headed off to search for some geocaches – something we hadn’t done for ages.
First stop was the a cache in the local Alphabet Series, letter E overlooking Borth Bog. We couldn’t find the cache – not a great start, but we did get some nice views of Borth Bog and our house.
The next cache was Manticore – Borth to Devils Bridge Walk, one of the many caches on the Borth to Devils Bridge walk. Thankfully this was a nice easy cache to find. We parked nearby, walked to the spot and I let Morgan find it. We filled in the logbook and we were on our way.
Next stop was Llandre Church for a couple fo caches. Church Micro 1270…Llandre near to the church itself and another in the Alphabet Series – Alphabet Series – S. The micro near the church was easy, but the Alphabet Series one took a little longer. We got there in the end though. We also explored the church yard a little and took a look at the 2000 year old Yew Tree in its grounds.