Garden Birds of Ynyslas
Although we live in a rural location surrounded by countryside, we don’t get a huge variety of birds to our feeders. It isn’t surprising really as the countryside around is is fairly sparse. There are few trees, and the ones that do grow are small and stunted and the number of different habitats that we do have are fairly specialised. There isn’t much in the way of cover for most birds so it is always nice when we see something a little unusual.
Yesterday we spotted a woodpecker in the garden. I only saw it in flight and then perched on a telegraph pole and it was silhouetted the whole time so I’m not sure which type it was, but it was definitely a woodpecker so that’s one we can add to our garden list.
It did prompt me to try writing a list of birds we have seen in the garden. So, in approximate order of ‘abundance’ here they are:
- Starling
- Sparrow
- Chaffinch
- Blue Tit
- Blackbird
- Robin
- Magpie
- Great Tit
- Jackdaw
- Collared Dove
- Dunnock
- Pied Wagtail
- Crow
- Song Thrush
- Swallow
- Gold Finch
- Wren
- Wood Pigeon
- Red Kite
- Linnet
- Redwing
- Chiffchaff
- Cuckoo
- Sparrowhawk
- Skylark
- Snipe
- Woodpecker
- Curlew
- Grey Heron
I am trying to feed the birds a little more this year and we have a nesting box and a few other wildlife friendly features in the garden. At the moment it has resulted in an increased number of birds to the garden, but the species count is still quite low.
My next project will be to get decent photos of them all.
We can add Grey Heron and Curlew to the list today.
Snipe is a new addition to the list.
Another new species today… A couple of Redwings scurrying around.
Update: I’ve been trying to take some photos of thee birds now and have linked to any new photos in the post above. Still quite a few to go but getting decent photos of them is harder than it looks!
I need more patience.