Work-Life Balance restructured
Those who know me or read this blog regularly will know that I fund my ‘Simple Life of Luxury’ as a freelance website designer which in many ways allows me to get my work-life balance just right. Although, as I’ve said elsewhere in this blog there are pros and cons to working from home and things don’t always work out how they should.
Being self-employed gives me the flexibility to work when I want to and get out an enjoy my surroundings at other times. Being my own boss also (to certain extent) allows me to choose what I do and when I do it. It does of course mean that I am almost always working and find it hard to switch off, that there is no one to work with on problems and such like. There is also the worry (especially in these uncertain economic times) that there is no guaranteed income, no holiday pay and no sick pay. If I’m not working then I’m not getting paid.
So, when a part-time job was advertised recently for a website editor working on a project based at Aberystwyth University I thought it looked like an ideal opportunity to add a little security to my cashflow and work alongside others. I applied for the job, got invited to interview and soon after was offered the job.
I started earlier this week and have yet to settle in fully but the team I’m working alongside seem good, the project itself is interesting and hopefully the promise of a guaranteed pay-cheque at the end of each month will take the pressure off a little. This should allow me to pick and choose projects for Pixelwave Web Design a little more allowing me to enjoy my ‘Simple life of Luxury’ without worrying too much about work. An added advantage is that I’ll be working a couple of days at the university so I’ll be able to meet Anna for lunch which will be nice.
The overall plan is to get the best of both worlds. Some security and the chance to work with others from the part-time job at the university and the flexibility and freedom of being your own boss by continuing to run Pixelwave Web Design.. Lets hope it works out like that!