Garden Carpentry in Wales

I thought I’d give my Dad (who is something of a master carpenter) something to inspect, and no doubt laugh at, next time he visits us in Wales. So, yesterday afternoon was spent building a pergola in the garden.

We had plenty of wood left over from the construction of our timber deck so out came the tools and with no real plan I started chopping it up and fixing it together. It actually went fairly well and although it looks a little out of place at the moment once I’ve built another flower border on the other side of it and have some climbing plants on it it should be a nice garden feature and effectively divide the garden into two.

I’m sure I’ve built it wrong, no doubt it isn’t perfectly square and I’ve used the wrong joints, but it was supposed to be fairly rustic and it seems fairly secure… Of course with the winds we get here it needs to be and we shall have to see how well it fares once it has a proper battering.

Now I have to find some plants that will cope with the wind, the salty air and the sandy soil and ones that will climb as most plants don’t dare tick their heads much higher than a couple feet around here.

6 Responses

  1. Avatar forComment Author dad says:

    looks fine from the picture, I’ll inspect it next tme i’m up there if it’s still standing…! ( I assume you used external screws or copper nails)

  2. Avatar forComment Author Alan says:

    Ehhhh??? I used Blu tack! It’ll be fine.

  3. Avatar forComment Author Shem says:

    check out my Garden carpentry Al, I may cope your design here šŸ™‚

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Alan Cole

Alan is a Freelance Website Designer, Sports & Exercise Science Lab Technician and full time Dad & husband with far too many hobbies: Triathlete, Swimming, Cycling, Running, MTBing, Surfing, Windsurfing, SUPing, Gardening, Photography.... The list goes on.