Car from S & R Motors
We’re collecting my new car this weekend. Brad has already picked it up from S & R Motors, the dealer we bought it from. There were a few little issues with it such as it doesn’t have ABS despite the fact that the description of it said it did and two of the tyres are pretty close to being illegal despite the fact that it was MOT’ed by S & R Motors before they sold it to me, but Brad is sorting those out.
He is also undersealing it in an attempt to protect it (at least temporarily) against the ravages of the salty air here in Borth and changing the timing belt as that is due. If he gets chance he might fit a towbar too. I’ll then collect it and leave Brad with my rusty old transit van (which he will try to sell for me) and drive home in my nice new shiny 4×4…. It’s handy having a brother who is a mechanic, and even handier (if that is a word) having one who owns his own garage.. So here’s a plug for it:
Bedminster Road Garage in Bristol.. If you car’s broken take it there and they’ll fix it.
Amazing… I could get a job in marketing!