Tagged: Recipes & Cooking

Making Yoghurt 6

Making your own yoghurt

Making your own yoghurt – who’d have thought it could be so easy, so cheap and so delicious! We’ve been making our own yoghurt for a while now and I can’t seem to get enough of it. We started off with an Easiyo kit which is essentially a 1 litre plastic pot to make the...

Mr. Potato Head Easter Egg 0

Mr Potato Head Re-invented

The Mr. Potato Head Easter Egg that Morgan had for Easter didn’t last long – it was made of chocolate afterall! Morgan enjoyed making him though so Anna kept the packaging that the various body parts came in, melted up some more chocolate and poured it into to moulds to make new body parts. Here...

Add the courgette to the cake mix 5

Chocolate Courgette Cake

Hot on the heels of our success with the Courgette Cake recipe, but still with a glut of courgettes, last night we baked some chocolate courgette cakes. They were once a gain a success, although not much good for aiding my weight loss! Here’s the recipe. 250g plain flour 375g caster sugar 65g cocoa powder...

Courgette Cake 6

Courgette Cake

Our vegetables have been growing well in the garden. So much so that despite giving as many away as possible we still have a glut of courgettes. There are only so many courgettes a man can eat. That is until Anna turns them into courgette cake of course. From whence there was a healthy, organically...

Ministry of Food – Review 1

Ministry of Food – Review

It’s not often that I do ‘book reviews’ here, but last Christmas I bought Anna what was then the latest of Jamie Oliver’s books, ‘Ministry of Food‘. Anna wasn’t sure if she wanted it as the TV series that accompanied the book was all about getting people who had never cooked before to start cooking....