Author: Alan Cole

Mid-Life Crisis? 1

Mid-Life Crisis?

I don’t know about you, but I’m certainly not getting any younger and over the past year or so I’ve let my fitness levels drop. Maybe I’m going through a mid-life crisis, but when in Bristol last weekend I actually bought myself a pair of running shoes!! Hopefully they won’t be just for show either....

Fish Tank Relocation 0

Fish Tank Relocation

For my sins I have done quite a bit of work over the last 7 years for a local ‘celebrity’ who owns a large mansion just south of Aberystwyth. However, this source of employment has all but dried up now that he and his family have moved back to Germany. I was of course left...

Eliminating Stress 0

Eliminating Stress

One of the objectives of deciding to live here in West Wales, away rom the rat-race, was to eliminate as much stress as possible and live a relatively simple life without too many worries. Has it worked?? Well, most of the time I would say it has, but nothing is ever quite that straight-forward. We...

Borth, Wales –  Weather Station Goes Live 1

Borth, Wales – Weather Station Goes Live

It has been a busy old christmas here for me working on the now up and running Borth and Ynyslas weather station. I had already set up the weather station itself but have now connected the weather station to a PC and produced several web-pages that provide up to the minute weather data for Borth,...


Xmas Tree Hunting

In case you hadn’t noticed, Christmas is just around the corner, so last weekend was spent doing the now customary ‘Cole Family Xmas Tree Hunt’. We all meet up at the Fountain Forestry at Brockley Combe just outside Bristol, have the usualy argument about which way was the best to get there (mine is the...

Freelancers Cookbook 0

Freelancers Cookbook

One of the ingredients that allows me to live what I consider the ideal lifestyle here in West Wales is the fact that I have set myself up as a self-employed freelance website designer. In theory this should provide me with complete control over my work / life time balance. I have a fair bit...

A full nights sleep! 0

A full nights sleep!

Woohoo, on his nine-month birthday Morgan slept through the night for the first time ever. We didn’t hear a sound from him (other than the odd cough) from 7pm when he went to bed until 7am when he woke up… Bliss! I did of course still have to get up in the middle of the...



Well, this was the view that greeted us in Borth this morning looking out towards the beach and the sand dunes. Looks as though the weather forecasts were correct and they are forecasting more for today as well. BBC: North, west and mid Wales are likely to be most affected overnight with heavy snow unlikely...

To Do List 0

To Do List

I was playing around on a website yesterday that seems to be one of those sites that is something of an internet phenomenon. As with most ‘internet phenomena’ it is a very simple idea that has just caught on and now has a cult following. The site is Put simply it allows you to...

Chest Infection 0

Chest Infection

Well, after much nagging by Anna and Anna’s Mum I finally went to the doctors yesterday to see what they had to say about this cold/flu that I have had for the past couple of months and haven’t been able to shake. Morgan has had a pretty bad cough / cold as well so we...