Tagged: Beekeeping

Golden Honey 2

Honey Harvest 2016

Not the greatest of honey harvests this year, but at least we got some. About 12lbs in total which is what we usually get from a single hive here in Ynyslas. The good news this year is that we’ve managed to raise at least one new queen. best of all she has come from a...

Apiary 3

Bees – New Arrivals

As I’ve mentioned elsewhere, Tuesday was a scorcher with temperatures up to an annual high of 32.8ºC. Not ideal weather for donning a full hooded bee-suit, wellies and gloves, but that’s what I did. It was the first chance for a while that I’d had to inspect the bees so I suited up and headed down to...

Here's Looking at You 1

My Kind of Day

The half-term continues and amazingly the weather continues to impress too. Further east in the country people are complaining of the cold, wet, miserable weather, but here in the west it has been gorgeous for ages now. Sunshine from 4 am until the sun sets at around 9:30pm and temperatures up into the 20’s everyday. Wind...

Chives 0

Sunny Bank Holiday

I can’t quite believe it… Gorgeous sunshine on a Bank Holiday weekend. That can only mean one thing, a busy beach – busier in fact than we’ve ever seen it. Not to worry, we’ll soon have it back to ourselves. It was great weather for the Aber Cycle Fest as well. There were four Sportives...

Tea Break 3

Garden Reconstruction

Morgan was at home ill on Monday, he wasn’t too bad but he was recovering from a nasty bout of diarrhea and sickness on Sunday, so I was housebound too. I did a fair bit of work first thing, then did an hour on the turbo trainer with some VO2max intervals courtesy of ‘Shortoff +1’ from...

Beekeeping in May 1

Beekeeping in May

May is the month where things really take off in Beekeeping. Colonies should be building up, the queen should be busy laying eggs, brood should be developing and emerging, the honey flow starts as more and more flowers are out and regular inspections become necessary in order to keep on top of swarming. With fertile drones...

Borth & Ynyslas Temperature Records 1

Growth in the Garden – A Purple Patch

Weather Records We had a couple of scorchers over the weekend with temperatures even at Ynyslas reaching 25°C, the hottest so far this year. Here’s the temperature records from the Borth & Ynyslas Weather Station: As you can see, we are still a long way off the all time record, but the summer is yet to...

Morning in Ynyslas 0

Hive Inspections

It was another lovely day here on Wednesday. Perfectly sunny from the get go and very calm on my morning walk around the dunes at Ynyslas. Unfortunately a day at work was in order so there was no lazing in the sunshine for us. The temperature here reached 17.7ºC according to my Borth & Ynyslas...

Bee Inspection 1

Sunny Days

Tuesday was the first real sunny Spring day that we’ve had for a while and temperatures just managed to touch 13ºC. I was working from home as I had arranged to stay in for a delivery. The delivery was originally scheduled for last Wednesday, but as Tuesday was the first day I could be in to sign...