Sunday dawned wet and windy though and the shed still leaks so I decided not to bother going for my usual Sunday morning bike ride and swim. Instead I started the day in productive fashion with a couple of hours of website design work. That gave me another couple of hours of vacuuming, laundry, dishwashing and eating breakfast all before 9am when the others were getting up. By now the sun was shining brightly so Morgan and I walked over to check out the surf. It wasn’t looking great, but I decided that the conditions should be perfect in the estuary for Morgan’s first attempt at windsurfing.
I loaded up the car with the
WindSUP and windsurfing kit and off we went. I rigged up, teaching Morgan how to do it as I did so and we were soon on the water. The conditions were indeed perfect and Morgan was soon uphauling and getting close to being able to sail along.
Morgan WindSUPing
Morgan Windsurfing
I had a tiny little 3.4m sail rigged for him and the WindSUP with it’s central daggerboard in. I had a quick go as well to demonstrate things to Morgan and the board is actually ideal for learning to windsurf on. It’s very stable, responds well to steering with the sail and glides along quite nicely once sailing along too. It’s not only better than I thought it would be but pretty much perfect for Morgan’s first forays into windsurfing.
Morgan soon tired from uphauling though so I sat him on the front of the board and we went off for a little sail around the estuary. Anna had walked down to the estuary to watch as well. We then took the sail off and went for a little stand up paddle as well before heading home for lunch.
Anna was playing in the band at the lifeboat station from 2pm – 3pm so Morgan and I busied ourselves building a den in the garden.
Building a Den
Den Building
Anna wasn’t out for long though so we played in the garden when she was back, including a game of ‘Tickle Rugby’!
Garden Rugby
Tickle Rugby
I also inspected the bees at our house which seemed to be doing well. All followed by leftovers from the BBQ eaten ‘al fresco’ and then a chilled out evening.
I haven’t managed to sell my old windsurf board that I found behind the shed yet though – But with the school holiday season here and plenty of tourists invading Ynyslas for the summer, it has to be worth a try I suppose. Morgan and I had fun painting the sign as well.
Boards For Sale
Old Boards
For Sale
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Tags: Windsurfing
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