Tagged: Garden

Hosta Shoots 1

Garden Blues

With May on the way, the garden is moving into its blue and purple phase. As well as all the fresh green growth, there are blue and purple flowers everywhere. The Bluebells are putting on a good show and look nice in the ‘wooded area’ – even if most of this is in Dave’s garden!...


Early Signs of Life

It was a fairly quiet weekend here. There just wasn’t much happening. We’ve all recovered from Covid which is good so Anna and I managed to get out for a nice stroll on the beach each day but other than that we didn’t do much. The garden is under control so there wasn’t much work...

Bugs eye view 1

A Bugs Eye View

One nice thing about having the garden under control is the fact that whilst feeling ill with Covid I’ve at least been able to sit in the garden without an over-whelming urge to do some work on it. Everything is tidy and doing well so I’ve been able to just sit and chill. It’s not...

Forsythia 1

Getting on Top of Things in the Garden

Phew, I think I’m on top of things in the garden! It’s the same every year – things seem a little overwhelming when you first venture out and there are so many jobs to do. However, a few sunny days and the nice long list of jobs to do soon starts to get whittled down....

New bench 0

The Big Clear Up

Anna has been away for a few days, so I’ve had plenty of chance to get things done in the garden. I even managed to get Morgan out to help here and there. It’s still quite wintry out there really with only a few signs of life. That’s the perfect opportunity to do some much...


Early Spring in the Garden

We had an early taste of Spring this weekend. Time to activate the robots and get them ready for action. It didn’t take long to do even though I had to rebuild Harriets’ house as it was destroyed in the recent storms. By 10am on Saturday morning robot lawn-mowers were soon charged and out trundling...


Hibernation for Hector and Harriet

Hector and Harriet our robot lawn mowers have been busy since Spring. They head out several time a day whatever the weather to mow the lawns. They’ve done well, and have kept them looking constantly neat and trim. We decided over the weekend that it was time for them to have a rest and to...


Apiary Updates

My plan for Saturday included some apiary updates. Things here tend to rot really quickly so some hive hardware needed replacing. We’ve been gradually replacing our plywood and pine hives with cedar ones which do tend to last a bit longer. I had a new flat-packed hive ready to build and today was the day....

Hole 2

Garden Makeover

I’m quite pleased with our back garden. It could almost be described as a mature, well-maintained garden these days. Quite a garden makeover if you think about what it was like when we first moved here. Essentially it was just a grassy and very uneven field. It then became a building site whilst our house...

Narcissus 0

Spring is Here

No doubt it won’t last long, but it feels as though Spring is here. The skylarks are singing, there is a definite dawn chorus and I even saw my shadow whilst walking back from the beach, which means the sun must be out. What’s more, I mowed the lawn at the weekend as well. I’ve...